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Άρθρα Slideshow

European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards 2018

Aug 31, 2017

The European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards is granted annually to identify and promote best practices in the conservation of tangible and intangible cultural heritage, to stimulate the trans-frontier exchanges of knowledge and experience throughout Europe, to enhance public awareness and appreciation of Europe's cultural heritage, and to encourage further excellent initiatives through the power of example.

Traineeships at the Economic and Social Committee

Aug 30, 2017

The Economic and Social Committee (ESC) is an advisory body that gives Europe's economic and social partners (i.e. employers, trade unions, representatives of small businesses, farmers' associations, consumers, etc.) the chance to issue their formal opinion on EU policies.

Twice a year the ESC organises in-service training periods of long (five months) and short duration (one to three months).

The main aims of the in-service training are:

Traineeships at the Court of Justice

Aug 30, 2017

Every year, the Court of Justice of the European Communities offers a limited number of paid traineeships of a maximum duration of five months. Traineeships are generally undertaken in the Research and Documentation Directorate, the Press and Information Service, the Directorate-General for Translation or the Interpretation Directorate.

Trainees are required to:

Traineeships at the Committee of the Regions

Aug 30, 2017

Each year, the Committee of the Regions (CoR) provides a limited number of internships for young citizens, from Europe and elsewhere, offering them the opportunity to acquire work experience in a European institution.

Each year, the CoR offers young university graduates a limited number of five-month traineeships. These training periods involve work experience in one of the Committee of the Regions' services, and run from 16 February until 15 July (spring traineeships) or from 16 September until 15 February (autumn traineeships).

2 Προσκλήσεις Υποβολής Προτάσεων από την Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή

Aug 26, 2017

Η πρώτη πρόσκληση υποβολής προτάσεων εντάσσεται στο Πρόγραμμα "Ευρώπη για τους Πολίτες" 2014-2020 και αφορά:

Επιχορηγήσεις λειτουργίας — Διαρθρωτική στήριξη ευρωπαϊκών ομάδων προβληματισμού και οργανώσεων της κοινωνίας των πολιτών σε ευρωπαϊκό επίπεδο.
Καταληκτική ημερομηνία: 18-10-2017

Η δεύτερη πρόσκληχη υποβολής προτάσεων αφορά:

Υποστήριξη δράσεων ενημέρωσης σχετικά με την πολιτική συνοχής της ΕΕ
Καταληκτική ημερομηνία: 16-10-2017

#BeActive Challenge Photo-Video Competition

Aug 23, 2017

In the framework of the European Week of Sport starting from 23 to 30 September 2017 across Europe, the European Commission has launched the #BeActive Photo-Video Competition.

Roaming in the EU Facebook Photo Contest

Aug 16, 2017

From 15th June onwards Europeans can use their mobile phones (calls, SMS and data) when travelling in the EU with no extra roaming charges. This means people can easily stay in touch with friends, colleagues and family members when travelling without the fear of high phone bills. To mark the end of roaming charges for travellers in the EU, the European Commission has launched the Roaming in the EU Facebook Photo Contest.

#BeInclusive EU Sport Awards

Aug 16, 2017

Launched by the European Commission Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (DG EAC) the #BeInclusive EU Sport Awards aim to recognise organisations using the power of sport to increase social inclusion for disadvantaged groups.

Who can apply
Organisations established in the European Union, public or private, commercial or not-for-profit, that have successfully developed sport projects aimed at social inclusion of ethnic minorities, refugees, people with disabilities, youth groups at-risk, or any other group that faces challenging social circumstances.

DG Interpretation bursaries

Aug 16, 2017

Each year, the Directorate General for Interpretation (DG Interpretation, also known as SCIC) offers a number of bursaries.

DG Interpretation study bursaries are available to students of all disciplines who have been accepted for a full-time postgraduate training course in conference interpreting offered by a recognised university or university-level institution. If successfully completed, this will lead to a qualification certifying that you are able to work as a professional conference interpreter in both consecutive and simultaneous modes.


Youth4Regions Media Programme

Aug 10, 2017

The European Commission's Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy wishes to encourage students in journalism to communicate on concrete projects cofunded by the European Regional Development and Cohesion Funds. Specific objectives include:

 fostering young journalistic productions to promote knowledge of the European Union;
 creating a space for debate, share values and ways of working;
 enhancing the links between European institutions and youth.



Η Ευρωπη σου

Η Ευρώπη σου

Η διαδικτυακή πύλη «Η Ευρώπη σου» παρέχει στους πολίτες και στις επιχειρήσεις πληροφορίες σχετικές με τα δικαιώματά τους και τις προσφερόμενες ευκαιρίες στην Ε.Ε..

Εκδοσεις Ε.Ε.

Συλλογή από Εκδόσεις της Ε.Ε.

Erasmus Placement

Εύρεση Φορέων Erasmus Traineeship

Αναζητήστε φορείς για Erasmus Traineeship


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Πρόσφατα Άρθρα

Ευρωπαϊκη Ένωση

Χρήσιμοι σύνδεσμοι για θέσεις εργασίας και θέσεις πρακτικής άσκησης στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση.
Η ΕΕ χρηματοδοτεί ένα ευρύ φάσμα έργων και προγραμμάτων σε διάφορους τομείς.
Η Ε.Ε. παρέχει πληροφόρηση για τις Υπηρεσίες που προσφέρει.
Η Ε.Ε. προσφέρει ενημέρωση για Δράσεις της & Δικαιώματα πολιτών

Ελληνικό Δίκτυο Ορολογίας

To ΔΠΘ είναι θεσμικό μέλος του Ελληνικού Δικτύου Ορολογίας.


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